"The Parable of the Cylinder"

A couple of months ago, Canadian Notes & Queries published my story "The Parable of the Cylinder," in their Spring 2016 "Games" issue. It's a story about Russian roulette strategies, and religion, and following from both of those, a discussion of the ramifications of turning the other cheek. It was also hard-ish to find, particularly for international readers. But now CN and Q has put the story online.

Here's the first bit:

You not been to one of these. I’d remember if you had, even if you stayed at the back of the trailer, hiding your eyes as you do . . . pretty little brown-haired girl like you, with that tattoo’d crucifix right there . . . though I don’t remember everything with my cracked-up noggin as it is, so maybe I’m wrong . . . but you’d have made an impression, looking like you do. 
So how’d it go way back when, in those bad times before the Lord set us on the straight road and our Ministry was proper begat? Gather ‘round, gather ‘round, you and your little ones in tow, and I’ll lay it out for you.
You can read the rest of it, right here at CNQ's website:

"The Parable of the Cylinder"