Call this an all-purpose post, to talk about stories arrived and upcoming. First up: "The Caretakers," a short story that's a big deal for me, as it's up at now, thanks to the good graces and editorial acumen of Ellen Datlow, and also the graphic genius of Greg Ruth.
It is a strange little story, in the manner of Robert-Aickman-strange, and you can read it by clicking right here.
And happy news: Eutopia: A Novel of Terrible Optimism, has finally outsold its improbably large print run, which means, happily, that there is a second edition coming out. But it's not just a second edition. This one will feature illustrations by my late father, Canadian landscape painter Lawrence Nickle. This has great meaning for me, as you might guess. Lawrence's work--and more importantly, his approach to working--was a signpost to me for many years. And his good-humored delving into the macabre (really, against what he understood his nature to be) was one of the greatest gifts he gave me in his lifetime. I'm delighted to see his work more widely distributed than the collectable editions that appeared at the book's 2011 debut.
Here are a couple to wet your whistle on:
There are more stories coming out in 2016, too: "The Parable of the Cylinder," in Canadian Notes & Queries, and "Murder on the Prurient Express," in Unspeakable Horror 2: Abominations of Desire. There's at least one more, the details of which I can't yet reveal, and if I can stick the landing, then as many as three more past that...
So it could be a pretty good year for David Nickle short stories, if that's your bag.