I've been holding off on crowing about this one, but I find I can keep my peace no longer. There will be another book coming out from ChiZine Publications, by me, this spring, and this is it.
Rasputin's Bastards is a big book - right now, it's clocking in at 186,000 words. It is a departure, in that it's less a horror novel than Eutopia is. But it is fantastical - Sandra Kasturi, my editor and pal at ChiZine Publications, thinks we should pitch it as Men Who Stare At Goats meets Declare.
However we pitch it, this book about Russian remote viewing, giant squid and outdoor sporting equipment will be coming out this spring from ChiZine. And boy genius cover artist Erik Mohr has, I think, outdone even himself on this one.Labels: Chizine, Erik Mohr, Rasputin's Bastards