You go along in a writing career, and you hope for certain milestones. Selling the first short story; selling the first novel; winning an award... and, if you write horror, getting a major newspaper review comparing your book to Stephen King's work, in the days when he was really on fire and putting out books like The Shining, Misery and Pet Sematary... the early Dark Tower volumes...
Well, today I can scratch that one off the list. Alex Good of the National Post offered up a very kind review of Eutopia: A Novel of Terrible Optimism, that had, among other things, this to say:
"Toronto author David Nickle's debut novel, the followup to his brilliantly wicked collection of horror stories Monstrous Affections, establishes him as a worthy heir to the mantle of Stephen King. And I don't mean the King of Under the Dome or other recent flops, but the master of psychological suspense who ruled the '80s with classics like Pet Sematary."
Here's the review, at the National Post.
And happily, it comes as e-books and dead-tree versions of the novel are downloading/shipping from, right here.
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