This weekend, I believe the Santa Claus Parade will be kicking up heel in downtown Toronto. Well too bad for Santa. This weekend is also a big celebration for Tesseracts and Edge, at once here in Toronto and Alberta. Tesseracts is, of course, the long-running sf/f anthology series that began when Judith Merrill edited what would have been Tesseracts One if she'd only had the foresight.
I make a little joke. Judith had all kinds of foresight. And in editing that anthology, she effectively gave birth to Canadian speculative fiction, by giving it a venue. Before On Spec, before TransVersions, before Northern Frights and Queer Fear and countless other Canadian sf anthologies... there was Tesseracts.
There are fourteen volumes to the series. Some were published by Tesseracts Books, an imprint run by Candas Jane Dorsey, and some time ago taken over by EDGE Science Fiction & Fantasy Publishing, Brian Hades' imprint.
Well on Friday, at SFContario, we're going to be launching #14 - edited by John Robert Colombo and Brett Alexander Savory, and hosted by me. My story, Basements, is in the collection. It is (let me count...) my seventh Tesseracts story.
But this is more than the launch. Old-timers like me will be on hand to read from older Tesseracts stories. We'll reminisce. We'll argue over chronologies. It will be like the Legion for SF/F, only without the cheap beer.
It all starts Friday night at eight, in the consuite of SFContario.