Words in the Wilderness part 2

It's been a week since we drove up to Sudbury to take part in Words in the Wilderness' maiden voyage - and at last, we have downloaded photos. So I thought I'd take the opportunity to sing the praises of the little literary festival that will hopefully become a regular thing in years to come.

It will have finished up now - events were taking place all last week - but the big day for horror fiction was Sunday. That's when local author Sean Costello stepped up at the Creative Spark gallery to talk about his new novel - then Gord Rollo, Ken Lillie-Paetz, Rob Sacchetto and I waxed horrific for two solid hours about horror fiction and us. The audience was small but enthusiastic. I think they liked us - everybody sold a lot of books - and I certainly liked them.

The organizers, primarily in the persons of Ken Lillie Paetz and his wife Jenn, treated Karen and I like the royalty we aren't, putting us up in luxurious digs at the Best Western Sudbury and treating us to a very fine Sudbury Saturday night on the town (if you're in town, have some pizza at Respect is Burning, and try the terrienes at the Fromagerie). The mayor of Sudbury didn't show for us, but he was there the day before we arrived, to kick off the festivities. Hopefully we'll meet up next year, for the second annual Words in the Wilderness festival.

Here are some pictures, courtesy of Karen Fernandez:

At top, Ken, Rob, me and Gord get started on the stories of our own unique acquisition of the horror jones; the conversation continues; I read; and so does Gord Rollo. The audience listens intently.