There must be something (under) the water...

I'm beginning to think that my hometown of Toronto has more in common with Arkham, Innsmouth and Dunwich than just its aura of loathsomeness to the rest of the country.

Turns out this town is, like Innsmouth, a bastion of eldritchery.

Case in point: Joseph Nanni, a local H.P. Lovecraft fancier and film-maker of great energy and talent. His blog, Bad Advice for Good Times, notes that he and his fellow cultists are embarking on their first feature film, Drawing Baphomet.

I do not know Joseph Nanni personally. I do not know what Drawing Baphomet is about. But I have been enjoying his short Lovecraftian films - The Necronomicon, Casting Call of Cthulhu, and right here, Elder Sign:
