Tesseracts Thirteen Rises...

Here is something else to do with your disposable income at Worldcon next week: buy a copy of Tesseracts Thirteen. The anthology series is going grue for number 13, curated by Nancy Kilpatrick and David Morrell. My story, "The Radejastians," will be in there with stories by these folk: Kelley Armstrong; Alison Baird; Rebecca Bradley; Mary E. Choo; Suzanne Church; Kevin Cockle; Ivan Dorin; Katie Harse; Kevin Kvas; Michael Kelly; Jill Snider Lum; Catherine MacLeod; Matthew Moore; Silvia Moreno-Garcia; Jason Ridler; Gord Rollo; Andrea Schlecht; Daniel Sernine; Stephanie Short; Jean-Louis Trudel; Edo van Belkom; Bev Vincent - and there's an essay on Canadian horror by Robert Knowlton.

It's not going to be in stores until the fall (I believe there's a launch at Bakka Phoenix coming up in September). But you can come get it at Worldcon, where there'll be a launch, on Friday, between 3 and 5 p.m. at the Montreal Delta Hotel, 777 University Avenue, Suite 2815.