Au Revoir, Montreal!

I'm back, from Worldcon in Montreal - and it was a fantastic time. I didn't make it to as much programming as I'd have liked, but there was business to attend to: the launch of my collection Monstrous Affections, along with ChiZine's other fantastic titles; the launch of Tesseracts Thirteen, Nancy Kilpatrick and David Morrell's entry into the long line of Canadian sf anthologies; and reconnection with a pile of old friends and a bunch of what I hope will be a heap of new ones.

I have some pictures. First, of ChiZine's launch party at the Delta Saturday night.

Author Suzanne Church, and me, debating the merits:

Karen Fernandez (centre) executing a brain swap between Cory Doctorow and Bob Boychzuk:

Author James Morrow and Objects of Worship author Claude Lalumière, talking about me:

The eastern sales representative for the Literary Press Group Jacques Fillipi, ChiZine honchos Brett Savory and Sandra Kasturi, and me, brains freshly swapped, at the CZP launch:

Reading at the Tesseracts Twelve launch now.

Nancy Kilpatrick, co-editor, sets it all up:

My fellow Cecil Street workshop member Jill Snider Lum reads from her story:

I read from mine:

CZP publicist and T13 author Matthew Moore, Suzanne Church and fellow Cecil Street workshopper Sara Simmons take it all in: