Pimping the Book: The Coda

Well, here we are. July 31. Those of you who RSS this blog may get this final, desperate pitch in time to act. For the rest of you, this posting represents a somber coda for this journey of book pimpage we've all endured - er, enjoyed.

Today, sales for the collectable signed, limited edition hardcover of my story collection Monstrous Affections ends at Horror Mall. If you are very quick with a mouse, modem and paypal account, you may still be able to order it by clicking here. After today, the collectable edition of this collection becomes, well, collectable.

But if you read this post on, say, August 1 (or later today when Horror Mall knocks down the link) don't despair. Attendees at Worldcon next weekend can pick up a much less collectable and much more affordable trade paperback at the ChiZine launch (or at their booth in the dealers' room for that matter). And later in the year (much later) Canadian readers at least will be able to pick it up in bookstores, as I am reliably informed by the publisher that it has already been pre-ordered by some.

And I can attest to the fact that the book is indeed real. On Wednesday night, I got hold of my author copies of the trade paperback. It is, by the unusual standards which writers such as myself apply to things, very beautiful. So beautiful that I took this picture:

So there you are. One pimping spree ends, another begins. It's the cycle of publishing.

Related Links: Monstrous Affections Pimpage Page , Information on the ChiZine Launch @ Worldcon, Peter Watts Likes Monstrous Affections, My Interview With Claude.
