Last fall, dedicated yard-apes may recall a promise I made to finish up a story called "The Webley" that would dive into the nougatty middle of Nickle family history. Well, that story's finished, and has found its way to one of the two anchor spots in Monstrous Affections (which is now into week four of its pre-orders).
There is (as you'll see if you click the above link) a multi-media aspect to all of this. And so it was that I duplicated that aspect in a new page to the Monstrous Affections block of The Devil's Exercise Yard. Which you can check out, right here.
You'll also note that a morsel of Michael Rowe's gracious introduction, "The Geniality of Monsters," is now included in the chocolate-box of samples on the main pimpage page.
So there you have it. Week four. I'm reliably informed that sales of the collector's edition have been relatively brisk out of the gate. Now we're heading towards a home stretch. The collector's edition will only be available for pre-order until late July, so if you've been thinking about placing an order...
... well, there's less time now than there was last week.
You can buy it here.Labels: Monstrous Affections, The Webley