It's been a good Week 2 for Monstrous Affections, my story collection that isn't available for anything but pre-order, but has been that since May 26. There have been shout-outs and an interview and other shout-outs, and a shiny new banner, and all of it has served to propel the book to number six on The Horror Mall's May Pre-Order Best Seller List. Despite having only been available for six days that month.
Here's a run-down of what we did:
Which is, if I may say, very good for the first week. So thanks to Brett Savory and Matt Moore, publisher and publicist respectively at ChiZine - Cory and Karl and Claude and Pseudopod - and also to Erik Mohr, the cover artist (who might be getting tired of all this fawning by now, but screw 'im) who has produced the hands-down most tangible draw for the book: its fantastic, nightmare-inducing cover.