Hey look! The dude that filched my hell-skull...

... is on the cover of my collection!

Actually, I have no firm evidence that the strange monster that artist Erik Mohr found to model for Monstrous Affections filched my hell skull (see previous post). But I'm hoping he'll scare a couple of you into considering adding my first-ever horror collection to your shopping cart at the Horror Mall. It's just gone live for pre-order (the estimated shipping date is October 2009). This one's the collector's edition - with a print-run based on the number of those pre-orders. So please - go check it out. And then, if you're still intrigued and like what you see - well, check it out.

And if you're not sure if you'll like it... well, you can at no charge read three of the stories in the collection over at The Devil's Exercise Yard. Here, here, and here. And there's a fourth one (over at ChiZine, who is also the publisher of Monstrous Affections), here.

Later in the week, you'll be able to listen to one of the stories, "The Inevitability of Earth," in podcast form at pseudopod.org, purveyor of fine spoken horror since 2005 (or so).

In the meantime, may I offer a sincere yard-ape shout out to Erik, who has come up with the scariest iteration of the dude who filched my hell-skull that I could imagine. Scarier, actually.

* * *

And speaking of my collection... here's a message from the publisher, about a 15-per-cent-off sale you should know about.

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