... here's a shout-out for Hugh A.D. Spencer (and me!), whose story, "Sticky Wonder Tales," is up at On Spec's site as a dramatic reading, here. Why mention it in the yard? Couple reasons, thanks for asking.
First reason: it's a kickass story - funny and sad and just a little bit gross - and being as you came here, Yard-ape, you're probably core target audience.
Second reason: I kind of helped. Not with the writing - that's all Spencer. But with the reading. Some months back, Hugh asked me to come help him record a sort-of dramatic reading of the story for On Spec's website. We spent an afternoon at a little recording studio in the wilds of northern Etobicoke, yelling prose at each other until Hugh's money ran out.
And now it's on the Internet. So go, go. Once again, it's right here: Sticky Wonder Tales. Tell 'em I sent you.