This is just a quick update on Pants Are For Company, for those of you who might have been setting your 2009 entertainment budget around an April release date for the collector's edition of the collection. May as well keep that money in the term note for awhile longer, because Pants is being pushed back a bit. Not a lot. But a bit. Now, it looks as though we're dealing with a July, 2009 release date, so ChiZine Publications can put a couple of novels between their latest release, Robert Boyczuk's story collection Horror Stories and Other Horror Stories, and my story collection.
This is actually a good thing, because it will also push the trade paperback release of the book to September, 2009, which is and always has been the publishing sweet spot on the calendar. And by then, we're sure to have worked out a better web advertising banner than this one:
Labels: Chizine, Pants Are For Company