Well that's a cryptic old title line, isn't it? In October it will be a tiny bit less cryptic, when Tesseracts Twelve comes out, with my novella "Wylde's Kingdom" taking up large amounts of real estate between its covers. Claude Lalumière, the editor of this edition of the long-lived Canadian speculative fiction anthology, let me know the story was in just last night. To say that I'm mighty pleased would be an understatement: one of the things you learn in the fiction-writing gig is finding respectable homes for your 17,000-word-plus novellas is a long game that rarely ends well. In that sense, Claude and Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing are doing the work of angels, because this next edition of the book is all novelettes/novellas all the time.
When the time comes, I'll post an excerpt over at the Devil's Exercise Yard website.
Labels: Tesseracts, Wylde's Kingdom